fear of failure

The Obstacles in our Path!

Let not bullshit each other and think that reaching your dream goals is easy.  It is a journey, sometimes it will be hard and sometimes it will seem like things just magically manifest.  But here is the fact: You will meet with obstacles, challenges, and roadblocks along the way.

But obstacles don't have to stop you in your tracks! Nope.  If you came up against a problem at work while you were working on a project, would you quit? Nope. You would just try something else until you figure it out. 

So what do you do? Come up with ideas that are bigger than the problem plus have a willingness to be creative when needed and don't forget to look at the simplest solution too :)

Going for your dream goals can be challenging but you can do it-one inspired step and obstacle at a time.

For more tips and resources check out my website: http://www.AmberSciuto.com

Failure is an option but not forever!

Anyone who has ever been really successful has failed. Period. Probably many many times.

Does it happen to everyone? Yup, pretty much which sucks but is also kinda liberating too.  Because if everyone fails, then it's no big deal when you do, right?  It is bound to happen if you are going for the things that matter most to you. Sometimes the truth is scary but perhaps its all in the way we look at things.  I know I needed to reframe the way that I looked at failing.  I was terrified to fail at anything.  But thanks to the Universe and the amazing way it teaches you the things you most need to learn- I learned to fail.  Repeated. Sigh.  

So if you are doing it right...you will fail repeatedly along the way! When you do fail you realize that it is horrible, hard, and really uncomfortable but you survive. You don't die of failure, it is not a disease. What really matters is how you get back up.  How do you do that? You get back up, dust yourself off and go again, all the while asking yourself how you can do it better this time.

Failure doesn't kill you, it makes you strong, it helps you to learn, to grow. Shift your perspective and failure doesn't look so terrifying after all. Failing teaches our brain how to do it differently and better the next time.  We need that information to grow so without mistakes and failures, we wouldn't grow as a person.  

You have to be willing to fail to be great! So take a chance and fail. Then fail again. Get back up and do it again.  It's not easy or fun but you'll be ok, no, you will be on your way to creating a life you love.

Need a coach?  Let's talk! One of my passions is helping people to breakthrough the fears that are keeping them trapped in a life they don't love and then getting you on the path to creating the kickass life you do love.  

ps. Don't forget that you are a Divine being capable of anything.  

For more tips and advice on how to reach your goals check out http://www.AmberSciuto.com